
Persistence and Perseverance

February 9, 2015

Persistence and Perseverance – Two of the most illustrious and glorified words in the English Dictionary. Many inspiration leaders, gurus and sages, constantly preach these words over and over in their sermons and readings to enlighten our souls and encourage us to stick with the trials of everyday life with the expectation and deliverance that, soon our silver lining will appear .

It’s easier said than done as many will agree. The true determination of convincing yourself of better days soon approaching is harder than actually convincing someone else whom you may not be emotionally connected with. In a general spectrum, persistence refers to perseverance in spite of fatigue or frustration. We all feel tired or frustrated due to some mundane everyday task, whether it be taking the subway to work amidst the rush and crowds or having to deal with a lecturer who is rather difficult to get through to in college, or even a job that seems to be trying and challenging at times and all you can think about is giving up and evading the tension.

Yes these are just some of the problems we as humans encounter daily. On a different note, think about this question I’m about to ask you now – Why is it important to be Persistent? Very recently, a friend shared a video with me of a Graduation speech by Elin Nordegren, Tiger Woods’ former wife. She spoke about the trials of being a newly divorced mother whom made the choice of going back to school to complete her Degree. In light of this, she spoke about the challenges she faced as a single mother whom was dazzled by negative remarks hurled toward her during her divorce fiasco and having to face the challenge of going to school on evenings, taking care of her kids, studying and trying to become one with herself while simultaneously rebuilding her life.

I’m sure lots of people out there would say, “ Rose that’s nothing, I’m a single mother, I work three jobs and go to school and take care of my three children”. This is exactly my point, God never gives us anything we can’t handle, even if I do sound a tad bit spiritual now, I do think the perseverance is an intrinsic power as it comes from within. We have to be assured of ourselves and have a stable mind whilst being encouraged by our loved ones to succeed. We are all in similar situations on a daily basis and deal with utter nonsense that can truly make us frustrated and totally repulsed by the mere fact of having to deal with these challenges.

Therefore, I hence revert back to my opening paragraph where I highlight the power of encouraging words and up-liftment. How do you then make this work for you? J

I see it all the time through my mutual friends that they continuously post inspiring memes, or write various status etc. Life ahhh what can I say …. It has its ups and downs, and while it’s human nature to mainly dwell on the down side of life; that itself can be harmful to our well-being and growth. Our families and friends and even sometimes distant epiphanies can sometimes cause us to be stronger, more agile with our personality, or even more vivacious in our thoughts.

Such an example, we come to a point sometimes in which we are so stressed that as the morning arrives we contemplate getting out of bed…or getting out of bed feels difficult. It doesn’t have to be this way, how about if we train our minds to think, feel, do and be positive. It’s never an understatement when someone says “be thankful you saw another day” turn that pain into positivity. For instance, it might be a bill that has you stressed – create options, set up an installment plan, pack your lunch and dinner for work if you have to, suffering yourself will cause harm to your body, be persistent, brainstorm ways to solve the issue and get out of bed with a smile and a prayer.

Some people live their lives comparing it to others; they long and yearn to have what others have on a regular basis. I think that can be harmful in every way. Instead keep reminding yourself what you have, and keep working honestly and sincerely towards your goals. Sometimes it may seem like a particular goal is taking forever to happen, or you might of tried different ways to make it happen but the outcome isn’t what you expected.  I Say DON’T GIVE UP ! It might be challenging, however keep doing your best, or analyze that particular situation. Continue to strive for excellence and persistency WILL  pay off.

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